Twister Mania Gone Wrong

Twister Mania Gone Wrong

November 22, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at To celebrate watch Marcus play Twister Mania for Xbox 360, as Andrew makes fun of him.
First Play: Daytona USA

First Play: Daytona USA

November 6, 2011
Watch as we crash and burn through the competition and laggy opponents.
First Play: Sonic Generations

First Play: Sonic Generations

November 6, 2011
The whole SBN team plays through a few levels, makes some jokes and Jurassic Park references.
First Play: Infamous: Festival of Blood

First Play: Infamous: Festival of Blood

October 30, 2011
Brendan and Andrew decide to take Vampire Cole around town for a fresh pint of blood or two...
First Play: Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception

First Play: Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception

October 28, 2011
Kevin takes control of Nathan Drake as he teams up once again with Sully for a new adventure. Video has been edited to remove possible story ...
First Play: Battlefield 3

First Play: Battlefield 3

October 26, 2011
Be advised, Kevin & Brendan play the latest entry into the Battlefield series. We play through an entire multiplayer Rush map, and show o...
First Play: Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken

First Play: Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken

October 16, 2011
The evil penguin leader Putzki, has taken control of Albatroplis - It is up to Hardboiled Chicken to assassinate Putzki and restore order to ...
SB Plays: Mortal Kombat - Part 21

SB Plays: Mortal Kombat - Part 21

October 14, 2011
The end of story mode w/ special guest, Jay from Meat!
SB Plays: Mortal Kombat - Part 20

SB Plays: Mortal Kombat - Part 20

October 8, 2011
The calm before the storm.
SB Plays: Mortal Kombat - Part 19

SB Plays: Mortal Kombat - Part 19

October 6, 2011
We have some... problems
SB Plays: The Impossible Game - Part 01

SB Plays: The Impossible Game - Part 01

October 4, 2011
Will I complete level 1 in under 200 attempts, watch and find out!
SB Plays: Mortal Kombat - Part 18

SB Plays: Mortal Kombat - Part 18

October 2, 2011
We fight as the All American, Native American
Battlefield 3 (Beta) - Ground Glitch

Battlefield 3 (Beta) - Ground Glitch

September 30, 2011
Having some fun with the Battlefield 3 Beta
SB Plays: Mortal Kombat - Part 17

SB Plays: Mortal Kombat - Part 17

September 28, 2011
The long awaited part 17! It is disappoint.
SB Plays: Mortal Kombat - Part 16

SB Plays: Mortal Kombat - Part 16

September 13, 2011
The only thing I can say about part 16 is that I let out a burp.
SB Plays: Mortal Kombat - Part 15

SB Plays: Mortal Kombat - Part 15

September 9, 2011
I make way too many WWE references. Oh, and we play as Stryker too.
SB Plays: Mortal Kombat - Part 14

SB Plays: Mortal Kombat - Part 14

September 5, 2011
We learn that the best surprises always sneak up from behind.
SB Plays: Mortal Kombat - Part 13

SB Plays: Mortal Kombat - Part 13

September 1, 2011
There is nothing better than a well placed bleep.
SB Plays: Mortal Kombat - Part 12

SB Plays: Mortal Kombat - Part 12

August 30, 2011
I really don't remember what happens in part 12, so now you HAVE to watch it!
SB Plays: Mortal Kombat - Part 11

SB Plays: Mortal Kombat - Part 11

August 28, 2011
Part 11 was uploaded during Hurricane Irene, I'm that much of a badass. Also my editing program is shit so there are some blank spots.
SB Plays: Mortal Kombat - Part 10

SB Plays: Mortal Kombat - Part 10

August 26, 2011
In part 10 I make more cuts than a teen girl with emotional issues... and I lose a bunch too.
SB Plays: Mortal Kombat - Part 09

SB Plays: Mortal Kombat - Part 09

August 21, 2011
Jax gets a hand and I destroy a legacy!
First Play: El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron

First Play: El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron

August 20, 2011
The story is inspired by the Deuterocanonical Book of Enoch, and follows Enoch, a priest seeking seven fallen angels to prevent a great flood...
SB Plays: Mortal Kombat - Part 08

SB Plays: Mortal Kombat - Part 08

August 19, 2011
In this episode, we experience some mic problems, maybe it was for the best?
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