E3 2012: Resident Evil 6

By Marcus Jones June 4, 2012

Fans of Resident Evil should be incredibly pleased now that E3 has brought them a gift. Capcom released a new and entirely surprising set of footage from their upcoming Resident Evil 6 that included actual gameplay footage showing a variety of skills for Leon Kennedy. While the cooperative gampelay was not show in the trailer, it showed Leon helping a woman through the streets of a city as a biological terrorist attack was in full swing.

Zombies were everywhere in this gameplay and in a nice surprise they are a return to the more traditional zombies Capcom employed in games past. There are some slight changes though – they were seen wielding weapons like flaming torches and cleavers as Leon took them on, but they didn’t seem to be infested with Las Plagas like the recent titles. The game seemed very action packed, yet horror based considering Leon was sneaking around and trying to avoid some fights, but was also able to jump around and quickdraw against zombies around him with two pistols.

E3 2012: Resident Evil 6

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