Skylanders SWAP Force Review
October 28, 2013
I can safely say that the appeal of collecting cool figures and seeing them brought to life in the game hasn’t gotten stale.
Diablo III Console Review
October 3, 2013
Even if you already own the PC version and have multiple level 60 characters, the console version freshens up the experience.
Grand Theft Auto V Review
October 1, 2013
Rockstar has included so much content to experience outside of the main narrative, I never felt the need to go full-on Rambo.
Killer is Dead Review
September 30, 2013
Killer is Dead is the latest title from Suda 51 with the same amount of style, imagination and technical shortcomings that we expect.
TMNT: Out of the Shadows Review
September 24, 2013
The overall lack of polish in TMNT keeps this from being a must-have. Red Fly Should send this one back into the ooze
The Bureau: XCOM Declassified Review
September 20, 2013
The Bureau features entertaining and enjoyable set-pieces throughout the campaign with enough strategy to separate itself...
Payday 2 Review
September 15, 2013
At a $30 price tag, Payday 2 provides plenty of heists and tense moments, if played online with friends or coordinating players.
Arcania: The Complete Tale Review
September 15, 2013
Releasing Arcania: The Complete Tale at the tail end of this generation may not been the best business decision.
Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate Review
September 12, 2013
For those that own the original version of Dead or Alive 5, you won’t be able to play online against those with DOA5 Ultimate...
Mamorukun Curse! Review
August 13, 2013
As a five year old port, visually the game doesn’t hold up well, marred with blurry textures and basic character models.
Pinball FX 2 Review
August 9, 2013
If you are a pinball fan, Pinball FX 2 is the easiest decision you will make in your entire life.
R.I.P.D. The Game Review
August 2, 2013
As a cooperative title, R.I.P.D. The Game tries everything it can from dismaying players from playing together.
Deadpool Review
July 31, 2013
Deadpool left me thirsty for more Deadpool, especially after a frustrating final boss fight and the final credits began to roll.
Pool Nation Review
July 19, 2013
Everything included in the game from the superb visuals, to the lifelike physics comes together to provide a one of a kind experience.
Scourge: Outbreak Review
July 16, 2013
Scourge: Outbreak could have been a great Arcade game, but the developers neglected many important factors.
Mars: War Logs Review
July 15, 2013
Mars: War Logs isn’t a bad game and I did thoroughly enjoy what I played.
Magrunner: Dark Pulse Review
June 25, 2013
Magrunner: Dark Pulse is ultimately a fantastic video game that combines the horror of H.P. Lovecraft with the excellent action-puzzles.
Poker Night 2 Review
June 19, 2013
Telltale games has a true gift at being able to target gamers who can't help themselves but play just one more hand in Poker Night 2.
Star Trek The Game Review
May 28, 2013
While fans around the globe have been enjoying J.J. Abrams vision for Star Trek Digital Extremes has come up short...
God Mode Review
May 1, 2013
God Mode is the new and intriguing shooter from Old School Games, as players are pitted to fight for survival in the depths of Hades.