Stealth-based arena shooter At Sundown coming to PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Switch in Spring 2018

By Timothy Giganti February 18, 2018

Publisher Versus Evil and developer Mild Beast Games has announced the top down multiplayer stealth arena shooter At Sundown is launching on PC, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch and Xbox One in Spring 2018. During each deathmatch, the action takes place in the cover of darkness, where players can only be spotted when they shoot, dash, or step into an actual light source.

If you can't wait till release, a free demo is available on the official At Sundown Steam page. The demo is limited to to only four out of the eleven weapons that will be available at launch, and will only have a small selection of level set in the Garden and Mansion map. However, the demo can be played locally or online against other players, or bots, if you don't have any friends to play against.

At Sundown has been a real crowd pleaser at events like PAX, where it won players over with its superb 4 player party set up.
Steve Escalante, Versus Evil General Manager
Stealth-based arena shooter At Sundown coming to PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Switch in Spring 2018

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