Nintendo TVii Announced

By Kevin Mitchell September 13, 2012

At the Nintendo Direct Event here in NYC, Reggie announced that Nintendo is raising the bar and setting a new standard for the entertainment value of consoles with Nintendo TVii (yes, that is the official spelling).

Nintendo TVii will allow anyone to watch TV, movies, sports or use popular video stream services such as Netflix, Hulu Plus and Amazon Video Service. Personalized profiles can be set up to provide a unique experience to every member in your family. The GamePad can be used to control your DVR to record shows, and even tweet your reactions as the show is broadcasted live.

How much will this cost customers? Not a single cent more for the both the software and the service. It will be included in every Nintendo Wii U and will not have any service charges.

Check out more images below that we were able snag during the presentation and stay tuned for even more details.

Nintendo TVii Announced

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