Jujubee studio unveils more details about Kursk

By Andrew Votta January 19, 2018

Kursk tells the story of a real life submarine, K-141, that sank in the Barents Sea in August 2000, taking its taking crew along with it. Not much is known regarding the intricate details involving the incident, but the catastrophe is reminiscent of the 2017 disappearance of the Argentinian submarine San Juan.

The developers are aiming for the game to be the first fully fledged adventure-documentary game to be released. You'll play as a spy that infiltrates K-141 to gain information about Shkval supercavitating torpedoes. Events will transpire in a first-person view, giving you ample opportunity to fully explore the ship, search for secrets, and even visit Moscow and other Russian towns.

We think that the time has come to tell true stories. It’s fascinating how much our industry has evolved over the last dozen or so years. Games are becoming more and more complex, they offer an incredible audiovisual experience and let us immerse ourselves in virtual reality, but we should expect something more from them. As developers, we realize how much time users spend with our products, but we often fail to remember the responsibility connected to it. We can make games something more than just exciting entertainment. Games can become a tool not unlike books or films. They can help us develop, educate us, broaden our horizons, and provoke discussions that go far beyond the world of video games.

Michał Stępień, CEO at Jujubee

The first downloadable content for the game is based on the true story of the uprising in the Kengir labor camp and the escape of one of the prisoners. The second expansion will add VR support.

Kursk is going to be released later this year on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

Jujubee studio unveils more details about Kursk

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