E3 2012: Wreckateer

By Marcus Jones June 4, 2012

Wreckateer is an upcoming XBLA title that includes the gameplay of Angry Birds, Boom Blox, and the Kinect. From what we saw of the gameplay footage, players will be coached along by two masters of wrecking guiding you along your path to become an expert castle wrecker. You take control of what appears to be a ballista, and using the Xbox 360 Kinect, you launch your destruction-carrying payload.

Of course there is more to it than that! Players have direct control over their projectiles using the Kinect. It’s possible to spin, re-direct and even more. In the gameplay trailer we saw three different times – a basic shot, a 4-way shot that spread out (still controlled by Kinect mind you!) and the best – a flying projectile. Granted it may look silly to have your arms out like an airplane as you guide the flying bomb, but we saw it expertly guided into a castle FULL of explosives, causing widespread damage in this cute game.

This cute game is being handled by Iron Galaxy Studios and being published by Microsoft sometime in “Spring 2012.”

E3 2012: Wreckateer

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