Capcom Not Renewing Its Takeover Defense And Is Open To A Buyout

By Joshua Murney Posted on June 18, 2014

Capcom has said that it will not renew the company’s takeover defense. This countermeasure was instituted in 2008 to prevent Capcom from falling under another company’s control in the event of a third party buying up a majority of it’s stock.

This strategy isn’t unheard of amongst large scale companies as it ensures decisions come directly from the company itself. But a decision made during Capcom’s recent investor meeting proves the opposite for the video game publisher. Due to a lack of votes in its favor, the company’s takeover defense is no longer in place, opening Capcom to a buyout.

In a press statement released by the company it has said that they will “react to make necessary measures within the admissible limits of applicable laws and regulations,” if a company buyout were to occur. Capcom also stated that “there is sufficient time for shareholders to examine the proposed large-scale purchase and reach a decision.”

Recently, executive producer of the Street Fighter series and head of consumer games development at Capcom, Yoshinori Ono resigned from his position as director of Capcom Vancouver. He most recently worked on Dead Rising 3 for the Xbox One.

Capcom Not Renewing Its Takeover Defense And Is Open To A Buyout

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