Awesomenauts…is Awesome

By Marcus Jones April 26, 2012

Set to hit Xbox Live Arcade and the PlayStation Network next week, Ronimo Games’ new title Awesomenauts combines fast-paced modern multi-player with classic platforming-action with just a pinch of ‘80s inspired cartoonishness. Featuring six wildly outlandish and customizable characters, players can engage in 3 on 3 battles alongside friends or bots that can drop in or out as needed to keep the chaos going both online or off. Good news for PlayStation Plus subscribers as well! During the month of May they’ll be able to pick up this soon-to-be-hit for FREE! For the rest, that means dropping $9.99 on the PSN or 800 Microsoft points to pick this title up. Look for Awesomenauts to release worldwide May 2, 2012. May 2nd! Why… why that’s next week! Clarence! Come quick and see! /Jimmy Stewart voice

Awesomenauts…is Awesome

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